CNC Vertical Machining Center Mazak VQC-20/ 50B ( Double Coloumn Construction) . Table Size 650mm x 1350mm ATC 15 ( Umbrella Type) BT-50 Control GSK ( Guarantee 1 Year) ( SOLD )
We have a dedicated expert in CNC retrofit and selling CNC used machinery ( metal processing) . We do retrofits with CNC controllers from China and Taiwan. CNC machines retrofitting and Re....
This dump truck is a heavy duty truck whose driving type is 6� � 4. To meet your varying requirements, we offer Hongyan XinDaKang Euro II dump trucks, Hongyan XinDaKang Euro III dump trucks and....
We are an aothorized dealer of IVECO HONGYAN HEAVY DUTY TRUCK products always ready give you best industrial equipment contribution with consistence and prime dedication to create a relationship in....
super glue quick dry ( 4 second) use to repair furniture.
selling Polyurethane Glue Excel one. Single component, liquid, waterproof- DIN 68602 D4. temperature range -30Cs/ d + 100C
Our company is engaged in printing services, we can serve dos manufacture packaging, brochures, calendars, notes, plastic packaging, stickers, t-shirts, etc ... If your company requires services us, ....
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we sell bread flour to substitute bran Raw materials from the waste bread flour bread bakery famous. Concentration / content of our Bread Flour: - Protein Kasar15 - 17% - Crude Fiber 3-4% -....
Sriwanito batik motif has menyajijikan classic with a modern motif, with techniques Write, Cap, or combination so as to create an alternative motive batik is expected to be a trendsetter in the....
Daihatsu Gran Max Pick Up, " Sahabat Usaha Anda"
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Palace Distro accept: 1.Jaket 2.Training 3.kaos
V-Belts Gates invented the V-belt and continues to be the world' s largest manufacturer of power transmission belts offering a broad range of heavy-duty, light-duty and specialty belt drives.
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komunitassabutkelapa is a community of entrepreneurs who process coconut husk to be traded in the form of coconut fiber, ropes, coco net, mattress, brush etc. komunitassabutkelapa currently has 36....
GROW UP AGENCY Growing Agency Selling Grow-Up Super Usa. 1.HORMON is a hormone that plays a role in controlling the growth of muscles and other organs, affecting the growth rate tubuh.bila you....
serve printing services, design and setting such as print brochures, calendars, agendas, notes, letterheads, flyers, invitations, stickers, digital printing and offset